Higher Education Live Webinar - Sept 25
Save Your SpotStrategy has power. But the magnitude and reach of that power is a measure of how we apply it. At brand strategy agency LT, we believe in that power; and it has to be right-sized for you, your project, your opportunity. We dig in deep to your numbers, your customer feedback, your trends, your results to become experts on the inner workings of your business, the inklings that make your customers tick, and the why behind the ebbs and flows of your industry category. When all is said and done, we’re arming our teams to root every headline, every ad placement, every social media post, every spot in the insights that really make an impact on your customers. When all our teams are empowered with this foundation, that’s when we know we’re doing our best work.
Our work is in the service of your customer. Through years of developing brands, talking to customers, engaging in research, and even working inside brands, we’ve come to understand the following as the five truths of creative brand strategy that makes our work, work. It is in our experience that when these five elements of strategy come together you see results that create sticky customers, quicker conversions and desirable revenue results.
Research and raw data are just that, raw. That’s where we come in to break it down, tear it apart, and shape it into insights that are simple yet profound.
If what we deliver is too right brained or too left brained, it won’t be useful to our teams or, ultimately, your customers.
Are there a million ways to say the same thing? Of course, there are. That’s why we start by listening to what you and your customers are saying — not just the words but the meaning behind them — so we can craft work that feels true and distinct.
Reporting for reporting sake offers neither of us anything of value. Let’s form that clay until it becomes something our teams can use.
If we don’t feel something from the output of the strategy then we’re unlikely to drive results. Too often strategies are either trying to be all things to all people or one thing to a few and we avoid both of those traps.
Scarborough, WARC, Nielsen and 4As are just a few of the resources we leverage during the research discovery phase to paint a clear picture of your category and your consumer. Listening to your own audiences and internal voices we’ll develop the brand architecture (house of brands or branded house) and foundational brand tenets (vision, mission, values, voice & tone, etc.) that serves as a strong foundation for your brand.
A visual summary of the “steps” a customer goes through when interacting with your product, service or brand. A customer journey map outlines the key phases — from unawareness to advocacy — to indicate where you have the biggest opportunities to attract customers and how we can best convert them. Then we’ll build personas and profiles as a snapshot of your customers’ demographic and psychographic information, to capture the “why” behind the customer’s purchasing behavior — their drivers and barriers.
Without a defined “position” a company or brand holds in the market, it’s nearly impossible to message consistently and impactfully regardless of the channel or audience. At brand strategy design agency LT, we identify your unique value proposition and craft the foundational language that brings your competitive advantages to life so that every message is delivered with that value built in.
Without a roadmap that combines strategy and tactics, that product, initiative, or company launch is going nowhere. A go-to-market strategy provides the where and the how to break through in a competitive landscape. We’ll start with a deep understanding of the business outcomes you’re seeking and what your audience needs. Then we’ll involve everyone from marketing, sales, public relations, media, and content to develop a comprehensive plan to successfully go to market.