Higher Education Live Webinar - Sept 25
Save Your SpotAn effective Search Engine Optimization strategy must go hand-in-hand with your brand’s Content Marketing strategy. With an effective SEO strategy on its own, you may see a large increase in organic traffic, but it could be completely useless as those visitors may not care about your business offering; they are there for a very specific answer to their Google search. That’s why, at LT, we partner closely with your marketing team and our Content Marketing team, so we are all preaching your brand story. This is accompanied by target keywords that cast a wide enough net to make an impact while also targeting the right audience to move your KPIs. We work to incorporate those keywords throughout your website so that the search engine bots want to serve your content without annoying the user.
Another key aspect of SEO is the technical side of your website. Without a high-performing site, Google will not want to send users to you. We will work with whoever develops your site to ensure we are focusing on site speed, implementing the correct schema markup, and optimizing all title tags, image alt text, meta descriptions, and more.
We start all SEO projects with an extensive site audit using various tools to gauge the current state of your site. From here, we will be able to verify key areas that require the least amount of effort but will generate the highest returns — the low-hanging fruit, you could call it.
Once we've gathered all of the low-hanging fruit, we move to the meat of our SEO process. This will include many different aspects and will be largely influenced by a competitive analysis to ensure we are not only doing what works in your specific industry but also to identify opportunities to get a leg up on the competition. Here is where we will conduct keyword research, develop content, implement site performance remedies, gain backlinks, and more — all to create a holistic SEO strategy specific to your brand.
• Fixing 404 Errors
• Updating Broken Internal and External Links
• Adding missing H1s, Meta Descriptions, or Title Tags
• Image Optimizations
• Claiming Google My Business and Bing Places for Business
• Updating Sitemap
Research plays a huge part in SEO. When done right, it is your guiding star throughout the process. From learning about your market to the keywords used throughout your industry, it all starts here. Working hand-in-hand with our Content team at LT, we’ll develop content that not only answers your users’ questions but also pushes them along in their customer journey.
Everything that’s found on your website that users experience and see is encompassed in On-Page SEO. From menu navigation to the page titles and descriptions that are eventually found in search engine results pages (SERPs). These are all key data points that Google measures your website on. We’ll make sure that these tell search engines what your business is all about while fostering a positive experience for your customers.
Today’s websites have to be built with a mobile-first mindset. With that in mind, you need responsive websites where users can easily find what they are looking for. If your website is slow or has broken features, this will quickly lead to visitors leaving your website and search engines pushing you down on their result pages. If you have a great site, users are more likely to come back and even share it with friends. That’s why it’s also important to have a secure site that protects user’s privacy with easy-to-share capabilities. Technical SEO also includes important items like implementing schema markup, optimizing metadata, and having proper URL structures in place.
At its highest level, Off-Page SEO is simply word-of-mouth for your website. Here is where we build backlinks, which means we get other websites that are already well-respected in your industry to talk about you. That way, both the search engines and future customers can trust you as a valuable source. This will increase your Domain Authority as well as your brand recognition.