#LTbelieves: Volunteer Day at Maie Bartlett Heard Elementary School

February 25, 2015 | By: Jessie Gould | 1 min read
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It’s not every day that you get to see an entire office – designers, project managers, strategists, and the like – roll up their sleeves and willingly cover themselves in paint and dirt. But while sight-seeing and watching movies with coworkers is always fun, for this quarterly meeting, we wanted to mix it up. Luckily, HandsOn was ready to help.

HandsOn Greater Phoenix is an organization that pairs volunteers with local needs. Through them, LaneTerralever spent the afternoon at Heard Elementary fixing up the landscaping and refreshing the many murals around the campus. Because many of the students come from refugee families, there is a wide variety of languages represented - the murals reflected that international perspective.


HEARD10While designers love to design and developers love to develop, it's nice to spend time together outside of the office. “It’s like we’re seeing everyone’s true selves,” one of the user experience architects mused. You can learn a lot about a person by the old clothes they hang on to; high school club shirts, game day tees from years past, and good old-fashioned overalls all were dug from the deep recesses of our closets and given new life covered in latex paint and the fine Phoenix dust.

We were honored to get our hands dirty and beautify a school that's doing so much for the local community!


See what else we've been up to in the #LTbelieves gallery.



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