When Data Mining Becomes Too Much

December 21, 2015 | By: Lauren Reeves | 1 min read
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With the widespread capabilities of Google Analytics across websites and pixel tracking through Facebook and
Online Marketingbeyond, we’ve nearly become obsessed with finding out as much as possible about our current and potential customers. We advertise and retarget relentlessly, taking advantage of every opportunity to make one more impression on our audience. For most brands, this is an excellent use of budget and productive means of pushing product. It seems that with the ability to discover intimate details about these individuals is invaluable, and the more information we can get, the better. But have you, as a marketer, ever thought about much information is too much?

Reading Adobe’s CMO blog, I was inspired by he article discussing just that: the danger of knowing these nitty-gritty details. Giving memorable examples and actionable tips, the article shares a few ways to manage your advertising efforts effectively without creating negative customer relations that can come as a side effect of this intensive marketing.


Knowing the Downsides

So what are these dangers? Some of them are obvious, like spending too much money on harvesting, organizing, and analyzing data, and not leaving enough money, or time, for actual marketing and advertising efforts.

However, a greater problem lies in creating campaigns that are focused on the greater brand goal and entire user experience. A heavy emphasis on data marketers may create a number of micro campaigns focused on the results of those numbers. However, those may not fit into the greater campaign or brand story. It’s easy to get caught up in the details that we forget to look at the greater picture.

This not only applies to marketing single product lines, but in creating content as well. If we create social, newsletter, or blog content that is focused around keywords and search terms, it can begin to sound robotic and lose the voice and tone that is key to a brand’s personality.


Knowing Where to Draw the Line

While it’s easy to become immersed in data, we must be able to determine where to draw the line. As we’re taught and must remind ourselves over and over, try placing yourself in the potential customer’s shoes. Consider their online experience: do you enjoy being followed around the Internet incessantly through retargeting banners ads and social media posts? Do you prefer that level of personalization, or sometimes feel annoyed by it? Apply those answers to your own campaigns.

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